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Nicolas Fischbach
@niCRO Nicolas Fischbach is Director of Strategy, Architecture and Innovation at Colt. Before moving into this role he was in charge of Security Engineering and Operations.
Hervé Schauer est un expert renommé internationalement en sécurité des systèmes d’information.
@veorq Jean-Philippe Aumasson is Principal Cryptographer at Kudelski Security, and is employed in the Kudelski Group since 2010.
@milkmix_ Even being more known at AppSecForum for iOS applications reverse engineering and auditing, Julien interest in reverse engineering is wider and applies to any kind of analysis, including malwares and operating system internals.
#TRAINING: Understanding malwares
Andrey Belenko is a Security Engineer at viaForensics where he enjoys breaking things about as much as building things. He became interested in iOS after Apple released iOS 4, the first iOS version to feature proper data encryption.
TALK: On the Security of the iCloud Keychain
Dominique Bongard is the founder of 0xcite, a Swiss company focusing on security for mobile and embedded devices. His previous position, which lasted eight years, consisted of leading the Threat Intelligence team for Kudelski Nagravision.
TALK: Offline bruteforce attack on WiFi Protected Setup
@ptracesecurity Gianni Gnesa is a security researcher and professional trainer at Ptrace Security, a Swiss-based company that offers specialized IT security services to customers worldwide.
Bertrand Mesot est ingénieur en informatique diplômé de l’EPFL et possède un doctorat en Machine Learning de la même école. Après ses études,il a conçu et développé la nouvelle version parallèle du logiciel Ophcrackpour le compte d’Objectif Sécurité.
STUDENT SLOT: TProxy: un proxy pour l’interception transparente de trafic TCP
@ntdroit Sylvain Métille est Docteur en droit, avocat et chargé de cours à l’université. Une liste sélective de ses publications et conférences, ainsi qu’un bref CV sont disponibles ci-dessous.
Philippe Oechslin est consultant en sécurité informatique depuis quinze ans. Il est aussi chargé de cours à l’EPFL où il enseigne la sécurité informatique aux sections d’informatique et de systèmes de communication.
TALK: Analyse technique d’un piratage helvétique
@pyknite Julien Rinaldini est un ingénieur titulaire d’un Master of Science HES-SO en informatique. Il travaille depuis février 2010 en qualité de collaborateur scientifique à l’institut ICT de la HEIG-VD.
TALK: Obfuscator: Reloaded
David Sancho joined Trend Micro in 2002, having fulfilled a variety of technical security-related roles. Currently, he is a Senior Anti-malware researcher specialized in web threats and other emerging technologies.
TALK: Finding holes: Operation Emmental
@Sahil246 Sahil is Founder at Security Theorem who specialize in providing information security consulting services. Sahil has had a vast experience in the field of Web & Mobile application security and provides his expertise to fortune 500 companies across the globe.
TRAINING: Droid Application Hack & Smash
Maty Siman
@jowehrli Johan Wehrli possède un Bachelor of Science HES-SO en Informatique (Computer Science) orientation logiciel depuis 2010. Il a effectué sa formation à plein temps en trois ans au sein de la HEIG-VD.
TALK: Obfuscator: Reloaded