« ARE you what you #SIGInt ? » @Grappahat TALK : 5/3/2016 : AOSTA

ABSTRACT: The Digital Responsibility initiative « Are you what you sign ?” Project context: Online services, businesses and SMEs grab our personal data to the cloud. The data therefore no longer on internal networks, but in a cloud often located abroad. We organizers and expert speeches a panel discussion on the use of cloud services from…


18 cyberattaques à connaître pour protéger vos données par @JBergounhoux @LUsineDigitale

[vc_row][vc_column width= »1/1″][vc_column_text]Les 18 cyberattaques que vous devez connaître pour protéger vos données Pour rendre ces informations plus accessibles et sensibiliser un plus large public, Verizon a adopté une nouvelle tactique, plus ludique, à l’aide de cartes. – via usine-digitale.fr   NDLR : C’est Assez agreable de voir que le pays le féru de marketing, se…



Almerindo Graziano United Kingdom, Kenya The Evolution of Network Security Monitoring and How to Stay Ahead of the Hacker’s game [Read abstract and bio] Arnaud Velten France The Digital Responsibility initiative “Are you what you sign ?” [Read abstract and bio] Carlo De Micheli Italy Carlo De Micheli is the Grappa Hat Ambassador. [Read abstract and bio] Cristiano Cafferata Italy…


2016-02 Online Video Training Platform for Journalists : @learnonet

LEARNO.NET is made possible through the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Google, and the World Bank. LEARNO.NET is an initiative of the European Journalism Centre (EJC). The EJC is a non-profit, international foundation devoted to the development of high quality journalism. To this end, the EJC facilitates professional training through…
